

论文题目 刊物名称 第一作者 联系作者 发表年度 页码
Self-assembly of conjugated polymers for anisotropic nanostructures SCIENCE CHINA: Chemistry Zai Yu ZhiXiang Wei 2012 55 11 2283–2291
Odd-Even Sequence Effect of Surface-mediated Peptide As-semblies Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Chinese J. Chem. Yuanyuan Guo Yanlian Yang, Chen Wang 2012 30 1987-1991
Cu2+ Detection with Gold Nanoparticles by Patterning Colorimetric Strips on a Filter Membrane Assembled in a Microfluidic Chip Chinese J Chem Liu, Yingyi(刘颖昳) Wang, Zhuo(王卓); Jiang, Xingyu*(蒋兴宇) 2012 30 2047-2051
Lateral Resolution and Signal to Noise Ratio in Electrostatic Force Detection Based on Scanning Probe Microscopy Chinese Phys. Lett. ZHANG Dong-Dong QIU Xiao-Hui 2012 29 7 070703:1-5
A Highly Sensitive Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Assay for Acetylcholinesterase in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Transgenic Mice with Alzheimer's Disease Adv. Healthcare Mater. Dingbin Liu Zhuo Wang, Xingyu Jiang 2012 1 90-95
A Rapid Screening Method for Wound Dressing by Cell-on-a-Chip Device Adv. Healthcare Mater. Qilong Zhao Wei Zhang, Xingyu Jiang 2012 1 560-566
Applications of Functionalized Fullerenes in Tumor Theranostics Theranostics Zhiyun Chen Ying Liu 2012 2 3 238-250
Bismuth nanowire growth under low deposition rate and its ohmic contact free of interface damage AIP Advance Ye Tian Qian Liu 2012 2 012112(1-9)
Effects of gestational age and surface modification on materno-fetal transfer of nanoparticles in murine pregnancy Scientific Report Hui Yang Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie 2012 2 847:1-8
Ge2Sb1.5Bi0.5Te5 thin film as inorganic photore OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS Hongzhu Xi Qian Liu 2012 2 4 461-468
Graphene nanostructures toward clean energy technology applications WIREs Energy Environ Xianfeng Zhang,Bin Wang Linjie Zhi 2012 1 317-336
Hepcidin与疾病关系和其临床意义的研究进展 生命科学(Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences) 牛诗雯 聂广军 2012 24 7 1--10
Inorganic Materials for Applications in Hybrid Solar Cells Current Inorganic Chemistry Xuehua Zhang Tao He 2012 2 2 147–167
Nanogenerator as self-powered vibration sensor Nano Energy Aifang Yu 2012 1 418-423
One plus Two: Supramolecular Coordination in a Nano-Reactor on Surface Scientific Reports Xue-mei Zhang Ke Deng, Chen Wang, Qingdao Zeng 2012 2 742:1-5
Overcome drug efflux-based multidrug resistance by cancer nanotechnology Chinese Journal of Cancer Xue Xue Xing-Jie Liang 2012 31 2 100-109
Self-assembly of two-dimensional nanostructures of linear regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) RSC Advances Zai Yu Zhixiang Wei 2012 2 338–343
纳米材料的欧盟定义及安全性评估 中国个体防护装备 郭玉婷 2012 2 41-45
纳米材料作为重大疾病疫苗载体或佐剂的研究进展 科学通报 许利耕 陈春英 2012 57 25 2341-2353
纳米科技发展新趋势分析 新材料产业 任红轩 任红轩 2012 10 41-43