• 尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!


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    褚卫国,研究员,博士生导师。2000年于哈尔滨工业大学博士毕业,同年进入中科院物理所开展博士后研究工作,2001年作为Research associate 进入日本东京大学学习、工作,2004年回国加入尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!。先后分别从事金属基复合材料的高温力学行为研究、磁学和永磁材料研究以及表/界面原子结构的光电子衍射/全息研究。目前主要研究方向包括:(1)新型锂离子电池纳米正极材料的构效关系及应用研究;(2)纳米加工及光学超表面;(3)纳米传感器件。

    博士后期间获得了中科院“优秀博士后”称号,北京市科技进步一等奖1项。先后作为负责人承担973、国家重点研发计划、中科院仪器研制、中科院知识创新工程等项目或课题。发表SCI论文百余篇,他引1500 余次。申请专利70项,授权35项。担任多个国际学术期刊编委/国际顾问编委






    (1) Zhao, TQ; Tan, XH; Song, LT; Guo, LM; Liu, YL; Kang, XH; Meng, XM; Wang, HF*; Chu, WG*; Up-Scalable Conversion of White-Waste Polystyrene Foams to Sulfur, Phosphorus-Codoped Porous Carbon for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3(9): 9369-9378.

    (2) Tan, XH; Guo, LM; Liu, SN; Wu, JX; Zhao, TQ; Ren, JC; Liu, YL; Kang, XH; Wang, HF*; Sun, LF*; Chu, WG*; A General One-Pot Synthesis Strategy of 3D Porous Hierarchical Networks Crosslinked by Monolayered Nanoparticles Interconnected Nanoplates for Lithium Ion Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(34): 1903003.

    (3) Liu, SN; Zhao, TQ; Tan, XH; Guo, LM; Wu, JX; Kang, XH; Wang, HF*; Sun, LF*; Chu, WG*; 3D Pomegranate-Like Structures of Porous Carbon Microspheres Self-Assembled by Hollow Thin-Walled Highly-Graphitized Nanoballs as Sulfur Immobilizers for Li-S Batteries, Nano Energy, 2019, 63: 103894.

    (4) Jiang, Y; Deng, YP; Fu, J; Lee, DU; Liang, RL; Cano, ZP ; Liu, YS; Bai, ZY*; Hwang, S ; Yang, L; Su, D; Chu, WG*; Chen, ZW*; Interpenetrating Triphase Cobalt-Based Nanocomposites as Efficient Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts for Long-Lasting Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8(15): 1702900.

    (5) Zhang, J; Li, JY; Wang, WP; Zhang, XH; Tan, XH; Chu, WG*; Guo, YG*; Microemulsion Assisted Assembly of 3D Porous S/Graphene@g-C3N4 Hybrid Sponge as Free-Standing Cathodes for High Energy Density Li-S Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8(14): 1702839.



    (1) Zhang, Q; Dong, FL; Li, HX; Wang, ZX; Liang, GF; Zhang, ZH; Wen, ZQ; Shang, ZG; Chen, G*; Dai, LR*; Chu, WG*; High-Numerical-Aperture Dielectric Metalens for Super-Resolution Focusing of Oblique Incident Light, Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8(9): 1901885.

    (2) Dong, FL; Feng, H; Xu, LH; Wang, B; Song, ZW; Zhang, XF; Yan, LQ; Li, XJ; Tian, Y; Wang, WT; Sun, LF* Li, Y*; Chu, WG*; Information Encoding with Optical Dielectric Metasurface via Independent Multichannels, ACS Photonics, 2019, 6(1): 230-237.

    (3) Dong, FL; Chu, WG*; Multichannel-Independent Information Encoding with Optical Metasurfaces, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(45): 1804921.

    (4) Zang, XF; Dong, FL; Yue, FY; Zhang, CM; Xu, LH; Song, ZW; Chen, M; Chen, PY; Buller, GS; Zhu, YM; Zhuang, SL; Chu, WG*; Zhang, S* ; Chen, XZ*; Polarization Encoded Color Image Embedded in a Dielectric Metasurface, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(21): 1707499.

    (5) Wang, B; Dong, FL; Li, QT; Yang, D; Sun, CW; Chen, JJ; Song, ZW; Xu, LH; Chu, WG*; Xiao, YF; Gong, QH; Li, Y*; Visible-Frequency Dielectric Metasurfaces for Multiwavelength Achromatic and Highly Dispersive Holograms, Nano Letters, 2016, 16(8): 5235-5240.



    (1) Adamu, BI; Falak, A; Tian, Y; Tan, XH; Meng, XM; Chen, PP*; Wang, HF*; Chu, WG*; p-p Heterojunction Sensors of p-Cu3Mo2O9 Micro/Nanorods Vertically Grown on p-CuO Layers for Room-Temperature Ultrasensitive and Fast Recoverable Detection of NO2, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(7): 8411-8421.

    (2) Falak, A; Tian, Y; Yan, LQ; Xu, LH; Song, ZW; Hu, HF; Dong, FL; Adamu, BI; Zhao, M; Chen, PP*; Wang, HF*; Chu, WG*; Ultrathin MoOx/Graphene Hybrid Field Effect Transistor Sensors Prepared Simply by a Shadow Mask Approach for Selective ppb-Level NH3 Sensing with Simultaneous Superior Response and Fast Recovery, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2020, 7(10): 1902002.

    (3) Tian, Y; Wang, HF; Yan, LQ; Zhang, XF; Falak, A; Guo, YJ; Chen, PP*; Dong, FL*; Sun, LF*; Chu, WG*; A Generalized Methodology of Designing 3D SERS Probes with Superior Detection Limit and Uniformity by Maximizing Multiple Coupling Effects, Advanced Science, 2019, 6 (11): 1900177.

    (4) Falak, A; Tian, Y; Yan, LQ; Zhao, M; Zhang, XF; Dong, FL; Chen, PP*; Wang, HF*; Chu, WG*; Room Temperature Detection of NO2 at ppb Level and Full Recovery by Effective Modulation of the Barrier Height for Titanium Oxide/Graphene Schottky Heterojunctions, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6(22): 1900992.

    (5) Zhao, M; Yan, LQ; Zhang, XF; Xu, LH; Song, ZW; Chen, PP*; Dong, FL*; Chu, WG*; Room Temperature NH3 Detection of Ti/Graphene Devices Promoted by Visible Light Illumination, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(5):1113-1120.


